Hello and welcome to this website where I hope to clarify what I can do to help as well as give information about how to contact me, my practice addresses and other useful resources. If you are looking for a therapist, coach, supervisor or trainer for your organisation, then please continue to browse.
I work with private individuals, couples, professionals/executives at work and organisations.
As the name “Finding Me” suggests, a central pillar for the work is to do with self-awareness – but this is not introspection or searching for “why” but rather discovering how we are and what we do that holds us to a particular way of being in the world. Our beliefs and behaviours are complex, shaped by the outside world and our interactions with it as well as our internal world of thoughts and feelings. In fact, it’s very difficult to separate the two. This is the premise of many existential thinkers who were fascinated by the rich complex paradoxes of being human e.g. we want to be accepted and to belong – yet we also want to stand out and be special. We seek the freedom to choose how we live our lives yet fear owning that responsibility for fear of getting it wrong or failing. These and other challenges, in turn, manifest into everyday struggles which recur habitually in different situations. Finding Me assists individuals by exploring their particular situation, their givens, their choices and it’s meaning for them including how these factors support or limit them as they navigate a path through life’s inevitable vicissitudes. This leads to personal development, greater resilience and a clearer sense of direction.
For businesses and organisations, I work at a coaching level focusing on the needs of the coachee (an individual being within a system), the business and other key stakeholders. Being a great leader means galvanising the hearts and minds of many into a singular vision and organising resources to deliver that vision whilst continuously monitoring and improving. To achieve this, leaders have to be self-aware and open to the same ongoing analysis of their way of being.
“Finding Me” is the 35 year integration of a career spanning the corporate world in various consulting and commercial roles, and a clinical career with several thousand client hours. This unique combination has resulted in an empathic, practical and business savvy coaching style, able to work across a wide variety of individuals. Coaching is not about giving advice but about raising awareness, encouraging change and growth through a process of reflection, observation, challenge and experiment. Unlike therapy, coaching is committed to the business and stakeholder goals, as defined at the beginning of the work. Whilst it will inevitably touch on personal issues, this is not the primary focus of the coaching nor the objective.
I am able to integrate the corporate and clinical space into a unique flavour of coaching which is both practical and supportive. I have facilitated groups and delivered bespoke training, working with the HR team and senior stakeholders to tailor material to specific developmental needs, the benefits of which can be assessed and measured for success in business terms.

Finding Me combines modern evidence based research with a philosophical and ‘felt’ sense of human nature to achieve targeted personal and business goals.